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Chainable Components

A composable API for reusable React components

September 04, 2018
javascripthigher order componentsrender propsreact

The easiest way to write DRY reusable React components is with Render Props. However, they aren't inherently succinct or easy combine. HOCs are an equivalent way to write DRY React components, and offer more composability, but leave a lot to be desired. Fortunately, we can realize a more composable and succinct API for reusable React components.

The Essence of reusable React components

The essence of HOCs and Render Props is to provide a value, and abstract the process of producing and maintaining that value. Take this js±WithAuthentication render prop for example:

  {user => (
    <span>You are logged in as: {}</span>

WithAuthentication will either produce the current user that is logged in, or render a login screen. This render prop can be used anywhere an application needs to define a view that should only be visible to logged in users. In a sense, it abstracts away the logic that's used to produce a user value, and it "wraps" it in a render prop container. In order to access this value, we provide a callback which takes this value as a parameter. Using multiple Render Props together can get verbose and clumsy, leading to heavily nested code.

Here's another example of the withState HOC from recompose:

withState('counter', 'setCounter', 0)(({ counter, setCounter }) =>
    Count: {counter}
    <button onClick={() => setCounter(n => n + 1)}>Increment</button>
    <button onClick={() => setCounter(n => n - 1)}>Decrement</button>

withState provides the value {counter, setCounter}, and abstracts the way that state is initialized and maintained. In order to access this value, we provide a component which takes this value as props. HOCs can be succinctly composed with a common compose function, but this often leads to trouble when multiple HOCs use the same name for their props.

It would be optimal if we could find a way to combine the succinctness of HOCs with the flexibility of Render Props!

Chainable Components is an attempt to fill this need, using advanced functional programming techniques.

Here's me talking to the React DC meetup group about this library.

youtube: upUp34fVnvY

A Chainable API

Just like Render Props and HOCs, a chainable component abstracts over the logic to produce a value that can be used to render React views. The easiest way to create a chainable component is to use of:

const five = ChainableComponent.of('five');

five is now a chainable component which contains the string value "five". You can think of it as just a wrapper for that value. In order to use that value, we need to supply a view for that value:

  {five.render(num => (
    <span>Your number is: {num}</span>

In addition to wrapping static values, we can also convert Render Props and HOCs to chainable components. Here's an example using the Context API from React:

const { Consumer, Provider } = React.createContext("Default Value");

// Consumer is a Render Prop!

const withConsumer = fromRenderProp(Consumer);

const MyComponent = () =>
    {withConsumer.render(value => <span>{value}</span>)}
    <Provider value="Overriden">
      {withConsumer.render(value => <span>{value}</span>)}

The withConsumer chainable's value is the same value that would have been supplied to the Consumer's children prop. Instead of:

  {value => <span>{value}</span>}

we have:

withConsumer.render(value => <span>{value}</span>);

These seem quite similar, so why convert a render prop to a chainable component in the first place? The usefulness of chainable components, is that we don't need to provide the view right away. We can store it in a variable, return it from a function, transform the value inside or even compose them with other chainables!


Map allows us to transform the value inside of a chainable:

const five = ChainableComponent.of('five');

const length = => str.length);

length is now a chainable component containing the number value, 4.


We can compose chainable components with other chainables via the chain method.

Let's say we have a chainable component called withState, which is equivalent to recompose's withState, but converted to a chainable component.

const withTwoCounters = 
  withState(0).chain(outer => 
    withState(13).map(inner => ({

  {withTwoCounters.render(({inner, outer}) => (
      <div>Outer: {outer.value} <button onClick={() => outer.update(outer.value + 1)}>+</button></div>
      <div>Inner: {inner.value} <button onClick={() => inner.update(inner.value + 1)}>+</button></div>

The chain method is quite similar to map, but instead of returning just any value, it returns another chainable component. The difference being that chain doesn't simply return a chainable component of a chainable component, but it composes both of the chainables together!


If you've noticed, our chained anonymous functions are still subject to nesting for every "link" in the chain (although it's much better than with Render Props). Unfortunately, there's nothing that the language affords us to solve this problem (This was also true with Promises, until aync/await).

The static Do method can help alleviate this nesting.

const withThreeCounters =
    (outer) => withState(5 + outer.value),
    (middle, outer) => withState(middle.value * outer.value),
    (inner, middle, outer) => ({outer, inner, middle})

withThreeCounters.render(({outer, inner, middle}) => 
    <div>Outer: {outer.value} <button onClick={() => outer.update(outer.value + 1)}>+</button></div>
    <div>Middle: {middle.value} <button onClick={() => middle.update(middle.value + 1)}>+</button></div>
    <div>Inner: {inner.value} <button onClick={() => inner.update(inner.value + 1)}>+</button></div>

Do takes care of calling the necessary chain and map methods, keeping track of the contextual values to pass to our anonymous functions. The last function is passed to map, and whatever value is returned will be the ultimate value inside the final chainable.

If you feel that this API seems oddly familiar, that's because it should. This pattern appears often during functional programming, and it's called the monad pattern. Sometimes the "chain" function is called then (for promises), and flatMap (for arrays), but it's still the same pattern. We chose the name chain to be compatible with the fantasy-land specification for functional programming structures. This means that chainable components are compatible with all fantasy-land libraries (most notably, Ramda).

Utilizing advanced functional patterns gives us some extra composability over plain Render Props and HOCs. In your next project, consider giving Chainable Components a whirl when writing reusable React code.